
CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit Board of Directors is comprised of community and business leaders who serve as ambassadors in the community, speaking on behalf of the CASA program. One of their many responsibilities is to serve as a conduit of information about the ongoing need for philanthropic support. The Board is also responsible for producing a community benefit report and financial report, and is ultimately accountable for the proper management of all personal gifts.

Each Board member is active on one or more CASA of the Tenth sub-committees to ensure the organization’s mission and program goals are being followed. CASA of the Tenth promotes and encourages funds and donations. The Board oversees all investments, contributions, gifts and bequests made to the organization from the general public and corporations.

Board of Directors

Board Leaders

Amy Moore-McKee, President
James Kemper, VP
Mark Mason, Treasurer
Steve Howard, Asst Treasurer
Kathleen Horchler, Secretary

At-Large Members

Phillis Dewitt
Andrew Barra
Mark Plunkett
Kari Burg
Valerie Moehle
Bob McCullum
Love Ugorji
Tim Crane
Kim Geno
Dr. Keila Sierra Cintron